How do I use emnify's OpenVPN solution on an Android device?
Does anyone have some useful instructions on how to connect to emnify's OpenVPN server using an android device?
I would like to run the OpenVPN client on an android device so that I can ping and log into the device with the emnify SIM.
To do this
- install the OpenVPN Connect App from the Google App Store
- get the standard .ovpn file from emnify (Integrations -> Secure Connection -> OpenVPN -> Windows or MacOS -> Region (the one configured in the service policy).
- Normally, a credentials.txt file is used to enter the username and password but the credentials will be managed directly by the Android app so edit the .openvpn file in a text editor and remove the "C:\\Program Files\\OpenVPN\\config\\credentials.txt" or "~/openvpn/credentials.txt"
- Only "auth-user-pass" should remain and save the file and send it to the android device
- In the OpenVPN Connect App, click on "Import Profile" and use the "Upload File" tab
- Enter the username and select "save password" to enter and save the credentials in the app
Screenshot of modification to the .ovpn file (eu-west-1 as an example):
Import steps:
Enter credentials (username and password):
Connect to the device with the emnify SIM. In this case a Teltonika router with remote management enabled where the emnify private static IP is
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