How do I use emnify's OpenVPN solution on an Android device?


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    Joseph Johnson

    To do this 

    1. install the OpenVPN Connect App from the Google App Store
    2. get the standard .ovpn file from emnify (Integrations -> Secure Connection -> OpenVPN -> Windows or MacOS -> Region (the one configured in the service policy).
    3. Normally, a credentials.txt file is used to enter the username and password but the credentials will be managed directly by the Android app so edit the .openvpn file in a text editor and remove the "C:\\Program Files\\OpenVPN\\config\\credentials.txt" or "~/openvpn/credentials.txt"
    4. Only "auth-user-pass" should remain and save the file and send it to the android device
    5. In the OpenVPN Connect App, click on "Import Profile" and use the "Upload File" tab
    6. Enter the username and select "save password" to enter and save the credentials in the app

    Screenshot of modification to the .ovpn file (eu-west-1 as an example):

    Import steps: 

    Enter credentials (username and password):

    Connect to the device with the emnify SIM. In this case a Teltonika router with remote management enabled where the emnify private static IP is

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