Hourly usage endpoint data from API
I would like to obtain minute-by-minute data on the volume of tx and rx data from each of my endpoints - similar to how the portal displays this in the 'details' tab of the connected devices. This is useful as it provides information on the behaviour of the remote endpoints.
However, when we use the api command /api/v1/endpoint/{endpoint_id}/stats , under the last_hour response field, I receive values of 0 for each minute in the hour, despite the portal display showing nonzero values. I use less than 1MB each hour - are the returned values of 0 a result of rounding the actual data down to the nearest MB? If so, would Emnify consider returning the value in Bytes?
Commento ufficiale
Hi Bryn,
for such minute-by-minute data usage monitoring, we recommend that you use the data streamer functionality which provides usage information every 45 seconds for open PDP contexts (when at least 100 KB of data is consumed) and when the PDP context is closed.
Regarding the observation that the API call shows 0 data for each minute in the last hour, this looks like a discrepancy and I suggest that you open a ticket so we can investigate this particular case.
Azioni per commenti -
The help center is linked via the "?" symbol near the top right corner of the portal when you're logged in. Or you can go directly to https://support.emnify.com/hc/en-us
You must be logged in (same credentials as the portal) and then there is a "submit a request" option which provides a simple form to complete. There are screenshots of this here: https://support.emnify.com/hc/en-us/articles/4414999111698-How-to-contact-EMnify-Support
In the meantime, I also raised this with our engineering team and they're currently working on updates to bring the API back in line with the portal. Via a ticket, we'll be able to inform you as soon as it's done.
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