Your connected devices have by default a private static IP, so they will not respond to PING requests from a different subnet. In order for you to access the devices you can setup an OpenVPN or an IPsec connection. EMnify provides an OpenVPN connection free of charge.
Please check our OpenVPN integration guides for Windows, Linux and MacOS:
For an IPSec connection, please visit our Cloud Connect FAQ
Can two EMnify SIM cards communicate to each other?
Inter-device communication is not directly possible with EMnify SIM cards. Your devices can communicate with private IP address ranges in your infrastructure using VPN and a NAT / port-forwarding solution, but this is something that has to be built by you.
Does EMnify block any port?
No. All ports are available.
I cannot ping my device when connected to specific networks
Several customers have reported that they are not able to do PING test (ICMP echo request) to their endpoints when connected to Vodafone Italy. As per Vodafone, they do not allow PING/ICMP on their network and will not provide exemptions for security purposes.
We are not aware of additional networks blocking PING requests. If you encounter the same issue with other networks, please contact our Customer Support team and we will update this article.
Please remember that you can always blacklist specific operators. For more information, visit this article:
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