The Factory Test Mode or Test Ready feature allows the testing of SIMs without having to pay for the monthly SIM hosting fees. SIMs in the “Factory test” are allowed to consume 100KB of data or 10 SMS (either in its totality or a combination of SMS MT or MO) free of charge for SIM testing purposes.
SIMs in FTM status will change to ACTIVATED status after the consumption of the allowed data/sms limit in Factory Test status. Please note that the 10th SMS or the consumption of 100KB executes the SIM activation.
The Factory Test Mode is only available for customers on "PLUS" or "PRO" plans. Please your CSM or contact us to get more information.
- SIM Statuses
- SIM lifecycle
- What is the Factory-Test feature?
- Factory Test guide
- Additional Information
SIM Statuses
EMnify SIMs have the following SIM Id’s and statuses:
id:0 → Issued
id:1 → Activated
id:2 → Suspended
id:3 → Deleted
id:4 → Factory Test
To understand more about the different statuses of our SIMs visit our developer documentation website.
SIM lifecycle
EMnify SIM life-cycle is easy to understand and easy to manage. After the registration, the SIMs move between different statuses depending on customer needs and requirements.
SIM Registration: This is not a SIM status but a registration process to enable your SIM cards to be registered within your organization.
Issued: After registration, the SIM status will be set to “Issued”. SIM cards in “Issued” status can be patched to “Factory Test” or “Activated” status. It is impossible to transition the SIM status back to “Issued” from any other SIM status.
Activated: When SIM cards are activated, they are in “Activated” status. In this status, SIM cards will allow usage of radio access network and you will be billed for any SIM card in this status. SIM cards can transition to “Activated” status from "Issued", “Factory Test” or “Suspended” statuses. From “Activated” status, SIM cards can only transition back and forth to and from “Suspended” status. The transition from “Activated” to “Factory Test” is not allowed.
Factory Test: SIM cards in “Factory test” are allowed to consume 100KB of data and 10 SMS MT/MO free of charge for SIM testing purposes. SIM cards can be patched to “Factory Test” from “Issued” status but no other SIM status can transition to “Factory Test” status. After the consumption of “allowed data/sms limit in Factory Test status, SIM cards will automatically transition to “Activated” status.
Suspended: In the “Suspended” SIM status, the SIM cards will not connect/attach to any wireless network. A SIM card can transition back and forth between “Suspended” and “Activated” statuses.
What is the Factory Test Mode feature?
The factory Test Mode feature, built for SIM testing purposes, allows customers to test SIM cards prior to their deployment in the production environment. SIM cards in “Factory Test” status provide 100KB of data usage or 10 SMS MT/MO free of charge. In this status, customers will not be charged for SIM hosting fees nor the limited data consumption provided, will affect inclusive or pooled volume.
Can I use Factory Test in any country?
You can use factory test mode for networks/carriers in the assigned coverage policy. Please be sure that the network(s) where you are planning to use this feature is part of an activated rate zone.
Factory Test guide
Factory test activation via the Portal
5. Select ‘Create device’.
Factory test activation via API
1. Register your SIM
Use the BIC 1 or 2 to register your SIM.
2. Patch your SIM to “Factory Test”
A SIM card can only be patched to “Factory Test” from “Issued” status only. This guide explains how to patch your SIM cards from “Issued” status to “Factory Test”.
(Example shown using API Swagger)
Click on this link to access EMnify System Documentation Swagger API Reference.
Go to the SIMs Section and select “/api/v1/sim/{sim_id}" Update a SIM”
Select " Try it out" and enter the SIM ID
Edit the “Request Body” to change the status Id to 4 and click “Execute”
Note: The SIM status id for Factory Test is 4 (SIM Status ID:4 → Factory Test)The server will respond with code 204 if successful.
All SIM cards in Factory Test status will be indicated by a Factory icon in the SIM inventory tab -
Assign the SIM card to a device. On the EUI, under “connected devices”, the device status will indicate “Factory Test".
When the 100KB of data or 10 SMS MT/MO are reached, the SIM card will automatically move to “Activated” status and the device status will change to “Enabled”.
Additional Information
On the emnify portal, if the status of the device with Factory Test status is altered, then the SIM card will be automatically activated.
- When activating Factory Test in bulk, please use the below API calls via Postman.
First, update the SIMs' status into Factory Test:
"status": {
"id": 4
Second, create the endpoints:
Important note: Please make sure to assign the Factory Test SIM cards to an enabled endpoint (status_id=0), otherwise, assigning SIM cards to a disabled endpoint will activate the SIM once the endpoint gets enabled.
"name": "{{name}}",
"status": {
"id": 0
"service_profile": {
"id": 1234
"tariff_profile": {
"id": 1234
"sim": {
"id": {{sim_id}},
"activate": false
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