With the 5G deployment, more and more networks are sunsetting 3G. It is important to understand how the module you are using will react to this change. In this article, we try to gather information about this topic from different module manufacturers:
- Guide to Quectel's EC2x&EG9x&EG2x-G Series software configuration for the 3G sunset of AT&T in the US.
- Teltonika's AT&T 3G Network sunset information
- General guidelines for 3G and 4G capable devices : if your device supports voice and data, make sure to turn on the "data centric" mode which would force the device to establish a data connection rather than a voice one.
- Telit advises that customers can avoid any issues with the AT&T 3G shutdown by updating the UE usage setting in the cellular module with the AT command: AT+CEMODE=2.
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