You received an email that your monthly invoice could not be settled by us and want to know how to resolve it?
Here's how to do it in 4 quick steps (typically takes between 30 and 60 seconds to complete):
- Open the link in the email or go to and open the invoice which still has the status "OPEN"
- Check your invoice for the correctness and click the "Pay now" button at the bottom of it
- Check that the payment method is correct and hit "Save" to confirm it (Please verify that the account selected has sufficient funds and your bank accepts online payments and 3D security)
- Click "Pay now" again to confirm the payment (this may open a 3D secure overlay from your bank to confirm that you are the account owner)
DONE, the payment section should be done now and your invoice should have the updated status of "PAID IN FULL".
This didn't work?
Potential problems that can come up
We use Braintree as a payment processor, thus all errors are coming from their system when Braintree tries to charge your bank.
To see the full list of errors and their explanations, please visit:
These are the typical ones we see appearing:
Authentication Required
Call Issuer, Pick Up Card
Do Not Honor
Expired Card
Funding Instrument In The PayPal Account Was Declined By The Processor Or Bank, Or It Can't Be Used For This Payment
Insufficient Funds
Issuer or Cardholder has put a restriction on the card
Limit Exceeded
No Account
Payment method token is invalid
Processor Declined
Transaction Not Allowed
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