It is possible to bulk rename your devices in the Connected Devices menu. You only need to prepare a .CSV file containing 2 columns: ICCID and the device name. The portal allows to rename up to 1000 devices at the same time. In case you must rename more than 1000, please repeat the process until all your devices are renamed.
1.- Open the Connected Devices menu, click on the 3 dots, and then select Rename Devices.
2.- Prepare a .CSV containing 2 columns: ICCID (with or without the Luhn digit) and the new name for your devices:
Remember to save the .CSV file with UTF-8 encoding. Otherwise some characters like "ñ" o "ü" will not be renamed.
HINT: You can easy download all your SIM list from Reports / SIM list. Then you can select from here all the ICCID you would like to rename
3.- Upload your .CSV file and click on Confirm
4.- The portal will start executing the task.
At this stage, you can close the emnify portal or perform other tasks, as the process can take quite some time.
Once finished, a message will be displayed in the lower right corner.
In case of errors, a message will be displayed. The most common one is that the ICCID could not be found. Please ensure that you have selected the right ICCIDs.
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